
General guidelines

  • Superstream dependency is a replacement for kafka-clients dependency.

  • No other kafka-clients dependency should run concurrently with the Superstem dependency. The Superstem dependency must be the sole kafka-clients dependency used across different packages in the same pom.xml file.

Replacement example

  • Let's assume that your application is using both spring-kafka and kafka-streams packages.

  • Your pom.xml should look similar to this:


        <version>3.5.1</version> <!-- Replace with the desired version -->
  • Both packages are using kafka-clients as an internal dependency. We need to exclude it.


        <version>3.5.1</version> <!-- Replace with the desired version -->
  • Now, you just need to add the right Superstream dependency based on the version you are currently using


        <version>3.5.1</version> <!-- Replace with the desired version -->
        <version>3.5.14</version><!-- Replace with the desired version -->

A list of all the known packages that are using kafka-clients and requires exclusion

  • Kafka Streams

  • Kafka Connect

  • Confluent Schema Registry Client

  • Confluent Kafka REST

  • Confluent Kafka Avro Serializer/Deserializer

  • Spring Kafka

  • Apache Flink Kafka Connector

  • Apache Camel Kafka Component

  • Akka Streams Kafka

  • Kafka Clients

Last updated